September 5, 2008

How big is Zachary? SOOO big!!

As of yesterday at the doctor- 11 lbs! Wow!! He's our little chunker!
He also got shots yesterday- yuck. No one warned me he'd feel so bad after- he has a fever and is having trouble eating and sleeping- poor guy! He's so sweet- he still smiles and coos when the Tylenol's working, but its heartbreaking to watch him feel bad. I can't wait till he's better- in the mean time we're cuddling a lot.


Anonymous said...

You look so cute Zachary, we will be there to see you and hold and cuddle you in just a few weeks now. I hope you feel better soon after the Doctor gave you all those shots.

Love, Pop Pop

Elizabeth said...

You have updated your blog! I am ecstatic! And new pictures!

Must. Include. Height. And. Weight. Stats. Come on. People! I live for this kind of stuff.