September 28, 2008

Zachary's Grams & Poppop Visit

All weekend my parents tried to get a picture of Zachary smiling. Zachary has the ability to sense a camera and turn off his smile instantly. Here though, he wasn't fast enough for my dad (Zachary 1,245- Poppop 1).
Grams is having a great time playing with her new grandson. Zachary just loved all of the attention!
Poppop taking a turn feeding the boy! Sometimes he can just hoover it all down.
Grams and Poppop with their # 1 Grandson. (First grandson in the family, but no one is counting:))
We had a great weekend with my parents. We are so glad that they had a chance to come see Zachary in person. The webcam is great, but it is definitly not the same as in real life. Zachary already can't wait for Christmas to see everyone again.

September 25, 2008

Last day at home

...and its breaking my heart. Today is my last day at home alone with Zach. I have so treasured the time we've had together- the chance to really get to know our boy- and to nurture and cuddle him as he grows.
I am returning to a job I love, with people I love working with- but I've only been apart from Zach for 9 hours so far in his life, and I hate that our time apart is going to increase exponetially.
On monday Zach begins daycare- I know he'll be safe, and as he gets older that he will enjoy interacting with other kids and adults- but right now all he wants is cuddling.
I am thankful that we have such a happy healthy boy and I keep reminding myself how lucky we are (and that millions of parents have survived and thrived through this change before us:))

September 19, 2008

Uncle Alex (photos to come)

Zach's Uncle Alex has been there since one hour after Zach was born (Alex escaped early from his internship and raced over to the hospital as soon as he knew Zach was born). And he's been here every step of the way since then.
Alex spent almost every evening with us for the first month of Zach's life, and we now get to see him a couple times a week, even though he's increasingly busy. Alex had very little prior baby experience- but now is an expert is holding and handling Zach. They cuddle and play, and now "chat." Alex notices and celebrates each milestone (e.g. last night "he did a two syllable coo.")
Zach loves his uncle and clearly feels safe with him. Alex doesn't just play with Zach when he's happy, Alex takes turns with Zach when he's grumpy and inconsolable; he knows all the tricks to try to cheer Zach up; he takes his turn as we pass Zach around during meal times. And last night, the final hurdle, while babysitting Uncle Alex even changed a poopy diaper!
Zach (and we) are so luck to have Alex as such a sweet and integral part of our family!

September 17, 2008

Best Birthday Ever!!

Saturday was my 28th birthday- This is the first year in my whole life I haven't had a birthday party (do not judge). Although my really sweet friends at work had a party for three of us september girls- so I did get together with friends. However, no party at our house- but this was still the best birthday I've ever had because of Zach. He is such a small guy, but has so dramatically changed and enhanced our lives.
On Friday night we got together with my parents, brother, and grandad to celebrate at a local italian restaurant (the menu had changed dramatically- sadly no more table-side pesto, but it was still fun and yummy):
Although Zach was quiet for most of the meal- playing with everyone as we passed him around the table, both my parents took turns walking him around the outdoor patio:
After dinner we went back to our house to hang out and open presents:
You'll note that Zach is happy with his daddy- and wearing his first "outfit" - a cute collared onsie and overalls (overalls were a bit big...)Justin made a beautiful *pink* frosted carrot cake!
We then showed everyone Zach's version of baby crack- his floor play mat (he is transfixed by the smiling star that lights up and makes music- he'll lying staring at it for minutes on end, sometimes he really gets going and is smiling and talking to it):
Every year I stop to think about where I am in life- and this year is a wonderful assessment: a husband who is a fun, supportive, and loving life partner, Zach who is sweet, inquisitive, cuddly, adorable, and funny; two cute and personality filled pups, a wonderful family who I am lucky enough to see regularly, a job I find challenging and rewarding; a house that is perfect for our family, and great friends. I feel very blessed. Thank you all for being a part of our lives!

September 5, 2008

How big is Zachary? SOOO big!!

As of yesterday at the doctor- 11 lbs! Wow!! He's our little chunker!
He also got shots yesterday- yuck. No one warned me he'd feel so bad after- he has a fever and is having trouble eating and sleeping- poor guy! He's so sweet- he still smiles and coos when the Tylenol's working, but its heartbreaking to watch him feel bad. I can't wait till he's better- in the mean time we're cuddling a lot.

September 4, 2008

Family Renunion & Sabino Canyon

OK, so we've been remiss in not posting for a long time- then it snow balls, so instead of telling you everything thats been happening, I'm starting fresh.
We had a great Labor Day weekend- Justin took off Friday, so we had 4 days together! My extended family on my mom's side all came in to town for a reunion and to celebrate my grandad's 85th birthday! I dont have pics of that yet (please send them to us!) but suffice to say Zach got a LOT of love and cuddling. He was bounced and carried by all his great aunts and uncles and played with by my cousins (not clear what that relationship is to him?) We all had a ton of fun and Zach was totally spoiled.
As part of the weekend fun we went to Sabino Canyon- Zach's first desert outing! Also, embarrasingly, Justin had never been to Sabino Canyon- so this was a first for both of them.
Zach rode in the carrier with his Daddy- we lathered him in sunscreen and put on his little hat. Luckily it was cloudy and pretty cool for the most of the time.
We had to scramble into the tram to get the stroller aboard- but it was great to sit together and Zach really enjoyed the cool breaze on the way back down the canyon.
Ultimately he fell asleep for almost the whole walk- he does love to be carried!
It was wonderful weather and really fun to go out with the whole family- plus its so cute to see Zach new places (even if he doesn't notice the scenery- yes that his little hat covered head in the carrier- I promise).
Zach was showered in love and in gifts- here's a random pic from yesterday of Zach cuddling with one of his tribe of monkeys (what are a group of monkeys called?)