July 27, 2008

Two and a half weeks in- lots of first!

We can't believe two weeks have already passed! Justin and I are having so much fun with Zach. He's very good natured- we still see that peaceful alertness he had at birth: after he eats he likes to just look around for a while. Zachary is also a pretty good sleeper- going 3.5 hours between feedings and sometimes going right to sleep afterward. Justin and Zach have enjoyed numerous sun rises together- but with a late morning nap, Justin is doing fine. Zach is also a very good/eager eater. Its hard to explain how wonderful he is withou sounding crazy!
Here are some photo updates: First car ride- Zach doesn't like being squished into his car seat, but he enjoys the car ride once he's in.

Zach and Justin hanging out with the dogs- Belle mostly ignores him (but will stand guard while I feed him), Pete watches over Zach's crib as he sleeps. Both dogs seem fine with the new addition- and Zach is totally peaceful and doesn't mind when they bark!
First bath- he enjoys the warm water, and loves the cuddly towel afterward! And we love bathing him!

Just cuddling- Zach is a very sweet and happy baby. Right now we're just enjoying each moment with this tiny guy! We're enjoyed all the visitors and showers of support- Zach is very lucky to share in our great friends and family. Justin's parents see Zach online every few days, my parents stop by to see him regularly (and feed us! We all celebrated his two week birthday together), and Alex comes over whenever he's not at the hospital (he's become an expert at soothing Zach to sleep).

Zach is now 6lbs 10 oz, so our doctor has us feeding him extra to plump up a bit. He's very healthy and doing well. (We took a feeding break in the middle of this post- and now Zach is happy and cuddling with his daddy). What fun!!

Here's what we know about Zachary so far:

likes: cuddling, his special hawiian pacifier, warm baths, warm towels, anything warm, milk!, holding hands, sitting up on clean clothes and furniture, making faces, waking daddy at 3 a.m. to hang out, hopefully mommy and daddy (can't tell yet!)

hates: getting naked to be changed, pooping (this seems to terrify him), sleeping not in someones arms (ok, he just prefers being held), not sure about the baby swing yet

July 10, 2008

Zachary Parker Dye

After 2 long days of work from Lindsay, our beautiful new son was born. He was born on Tuesday, July 8th 2008. He weighs 7 pounds and 1 ounce, and is 20 inches long. He is quiet and curious and so adorable. We think he is just perfect, and words can't describe the love that we have for him already. More will come, but we just arrived home with our new family member.

July 6, 2008

Tomorrow is induction day!!

THis is it- the last day without our son. We are sooooo excited to meet this little guy who is going to change our world! Justin is, of course, remarkably calm- he promises we're as prepared as we can be, we'll do our best, and this will be amazing. I'm more insane- I'm feeling the desperate need to stock up (Justin had to tamp down on my crazy at the grocery store yesterday), I feel very emotional about the huge-ness of this all, and I'm having trouble staying distracted so time passes. I know I should be more nervous about labor, but I'm just excited to get this going- we've been talking about it for so long, its great to finally be on the brink.
No we haven't settled on a name yet- but we've narrowed down to two. Its a huge decision, but I think we'll know when we meet him. I promise- he'll have a name, and it wont be Jackary.
We've got to pack our hospital bag today- make sure both cameras are fully charged (digital and the video camera my parents gave Justin for his b-day)- this baby will be a super star.
Keep us in your thoughts are we begin this new adventure.
Pre-mom Lindsay, for the last time!

July 3, 2008

Countdown to B-day

At our recent doctor's visit we learned that I am 2 cm dilated already (yey!!) so the baby could come at any time (I've been faithfully walking extra and sitting on my exercise ball!) The big news: if he hasn't come before then- labor will be induced on Monday, July 7!! Sounds like a good birthday, no?!
Justin and I are very ready- as is the house, though the dogs may be skeptical. We appreciate all of the baby goodies that have us prepared to welcome our son! And all the love and support- especially as we impatiently draw near to his birth.
We'll update before he comes, if we get the chance. Otherwise, we'll have new baby pics very very soon!