January 19, 2008

Our Second Visit to the doctor's office!

Our second visit to the doctor's office was quick, yet very exciting. Here is the latest picture of our baby; he/she measures about 4 inches long. You can see in this picture the head very clearly. It is amazing to think about what is going on inside of Lindsay. Lindsay is doing such a great job with being sick all of the time, yet still having a great attitude and doing all that she is doing.
We also got to listen to the heart beat which was quick. The doctor remarked that it sounded like a girl's heartbeat, but then quickly covered it up with all babies have a heart beat like that. We hopefully will find out what we are having in 5 weeks on Feb. 18th. Hopefully then we will be able to take a video of the ultra sound and perhaps post it on here for all to see.

January 11, 2008

Confessions of a Pregnant Trial Attorney

As I lay awake for hours last night (my bladder just ain't what it used to be- and cold tiles on sleepy feet jolt you right awake), I decided to share this. When I found out I was pregnant I almost immediately began looking online for blogs or webpages from other pregnant trial attorneys because 1) I'm so type-A I love to research and plan everything, and 2) I needed the comfort of knowing others had gone there before. But, no such luck, so I decided to post a list of my biggest pregnancy concerns as an attorney who's supposed to be in trial regularly (I have had a run of office weeks lately!)
1. What if my morning sickness overtakes me in the middle of a jury trial?? (I got a trial run at this today- no jury present, but I ran out of the courtroom in the middle of a sentencing while the judge was talking- we all survived although he did look at me like morning sickness might be contagious)
2. What happens as the baby grows shrinking my bladder? I have always been the camel and I will be very lost at this turn of events- the only time I had to ask for a bathroom break, I first seriously considered peeing in my chair, but thought it might not be seemly when I got up for closings. Maybe astronaut diapers are the solution?
3. What the heck am I going to wear that is professional in July in Tucson? Although I've put my boss on notice that I will be wearing a bathing suit and close-toed shoes (per office policy), I don't know that I can just throw on a blazer over that and go to court.... hummm.
4. Finally, I've got my jury persona down (yes I think of this as theater), does it need to change when I am hugely pregnant... will I have changed?
These are my concerns- now written out, they look silly, but I wanted to know someone else worried about these things, so now its out in the cosmos for the next pregnant attny. I feel totally sane, but perhaps this is a sign of a little pregnancy lunacy...
Everything is going smoothly so far- thanks in huge part to Justin's constant care and the love and support of my work family who keeps me going each day!