January 11, 2008

Confessions of a Pregnant Trial Attorney

As I lay awake for hours last night (my bladder just ain't what it used to be- and cold tiles on sleepy feet jolt you right awake), I decided to share this. When I found out I was pregnant I almost immediately began looking online for blogs or webpages from other pregnant trial attorneys because 1) I'm so type-A I love to research and plan everything, and 2) I needed the comfort of knowing others had gone there before. But, no such luck, so I decided to post a list of my biggest pregnancy concerns as an attorney who's supposed to be in trial regularly (I have had a run of office weeks lately!)
1. What if my morning sickness overtakes me in the middle of a jury trial?? (I got a trial run at this today- no jury present, but I ran out of the courtroom in the middle of a sentencing while the judge was talking- we all survived although he did look at me like morning sickness might be contagious)
2. What happens as the baby grows shrinking my bladder? I have always been the camel and I will be very lost at this turn of events- the only time I had to ask for a bathroom break, I first seriously considered peeing in my chair, but thought it might not be seemly when I got up for closings. Maybe astronaut diapers are the solution?
3. What the heck am I going to wear that is professional in July in Tucson? Although I've put my boss on notice that I will be wearing a bathing suit and close-toed shoes (per office policy), I don't know that I can just throw on a blazer over that and go to court.... hummm.
4. Finally, I've got my jury persona down (yes I think of this as theater), does it need to change when I am hugely pregnant... will I have changed?
These are my concerns- now written out, they look silly, but I wanted to know someone else worried about these things, so now its out in the cosmos for the next pregnant attny. I feel totally sane, but perhaps this is a sign of a little pregnancy lunacy...
Everything is going smoothly so far- thanks in huge part to Justin's constant care and the love and support of my work family who keeps me going each day!


Elizabeth said...

Oh Lindsay, you make me laugh so hard. Some stream of consciousness:

When I was hugely pregnant and had a trial, I learned a few important things. First, male judges are so scared of pregnant women that they will grant a brief continuance as soon as the words come out of your mouth. I'm not sure this is true of female judges.

Second, you always have to wear a wedding ring in front of the jury, even though no one's wedding ring ever fits by the third trimester. I bought a $5 one from the store just for court, even though I lost my wedding ring like four years ago and never wear one.

Third, I have heard from other pregnant attorneys that you have so many sympathy points from women jurors when you are obviously pregnant (as long as follow rule #2) that it is really hard to screw up a case. With my first baby, I had a trial scheduled and defense counsel, after seeing me in court for a pre-trial conference, found a million ways to continue the trial until after I had given birth.

Finally, have the rules for the CAO's loosened or something? Doesn't your bathing suit need sleeves? Twice As Nice has professional maternity clothes for dirt cheap. Also, check with other people with kids from your office. My office had a bin (left with the last pregnant person) that rotated based on who was pregnant. People just added clothes as they went along. (There is stuff in there from the early 90s. Ick.) I also tended to wear the same things all the time, which is apparently OK for pregnant people (unfortunately, this did not stop after the kids came).

Rona said...

Matt thinks this is hilarious...we'll see how he feels about this issue when we get pregnant and I'm seriously considering the bathing suit for court. :)

K said...

I was chuckling hard with the "closed toe shoe" office policy! You rock, Lindsay!! And perhaps certain defense attorneys will actually be less winded!!

Anonymous said...

I'm confused - bathing suits? I've never heard of this before. I'm sure you'll be fine. =)

Anonymous said...

Well, first of all - You sound like every pregnant mommy I have ever met, and exactly like me! While not the attorney, teaching high school does not exactly allow you regular potty breaks - the 7 minutes between classes really is NOT enough time to go to the restroom and get back to class, even though we all tell the students that they should be able to do and be in their seats on time! I had to run out of the room a couple of times, but luckily Jake did not press on my blatter too much.

I also worried about the clothing thing, while lucky that I had a fall/winter baby I still worried about being appropriate in the work place and no... high school is not the place for a bathing suit either. I had really good luck at Motherhood Maternity and Ross. Motherhood is expensive, but I bought a couple of business shirts and "slacks" and got along through the whole preg in those.

Oh, what do you know, the inlaws gave the baby his birthday present without me! Gotta Run! Good luck guys, love ya! Kate