It's amazing how your heart just expands with love for a new child. We hope you agree- she's an beautiful little girl!
October 6, 2010
She's Here!!!!
It's amazing how your heart just expands with love for a new child. We hope you agree- she's an beautiful little girl!
September 8, 2010
Last days as a family of three?
Then we checked out the water park area- and Justin came to join us!!

We all had a lot of fun- especially Zach. I know it's silly to be anxious- but this is a big change!! We'll keep you posted on what the doctor says!
August 8, 2010
Back in the saddle....
My boys in San Diego:
November 5, 2009
September 15, 2009
Zach is walking!!!
So far the record is about 5 feet- but he's different each day!
September 7, 2009
More update...(see below)
We're still here!

June- Family trip to Prescott, AZ- Justin and Zach join Lindsay who is there for a training. Zach loves the grass in the center courthouse square- we all love Prescott!
Oh yeah, and Zachy can crawl EVERYWHERE
First teeth- 4 teeth coming in beginning at 10 monthsConcert in the park (I love steel drums!)- you'll note that sweet potatoes stick and stain like tar... yummm
Late June- family reunion in Lake Tahoe, CA
Boating with Daddy
Dinner with most of the gangLots of fun playing with Quinn and Kyle
Going home
Zachary's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! What an amazing year. We love you little boy!
Dinner with all the Tucson family
Trying spaghetti
Loving spaghetti (and the mess he makes!)